Performance Indicators

Major performance is measured by 7 indicators :

  1. Quality and Quantity of new student
  2. Number of students
  3. GPA average score
  4. Average of study period
  5. Number of students who graduate on time
  6. Number of students who graduate cum laude
  7. Number of students who DO

Performance value of each indicator state in table 1. The table showed that the number of new student in the last 5 years tend to increase, along with the number of all students. GPA average score is quite high, the fluctuation value is around 3,2. Average of study period and the students who graduate on time indicate such an unfavorable thing, which tends to decrease. One of these things are caused by KKN (Community Service Program) subject. Progress of GPA average score, study period and student who graduate on time showed in Picture 1. It showed that the GPA score increased, but the study period and students who graduate on time decreased. It necessary as evaluation material to increase major quality


Table 1  Performance indicator (2012/2013; 2014/2015; 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018)


No Performance Indicator Year of Class










1 Number of freshman 75 87 83 76 91
2 Number of all students 287 300 320 336 386
3 GPA average score 3.2 3.19 3.2 3.18 3.26
4 Average of study period 51 52 51 54 54
5 Number of students who graduate on time 26 39 24 12 0
6 Number of students who get cum laude 3 1 2 3 7
7 Number of students who DO 4 1 3














Picture 1 Progress of GPA score, study period, and number of students who graduate on time in the last 5 years