Job Opportunity

Information and career guidance for students of Bogor Agricultural University level IV (semester 7 or 8) or who have graduated can be obtained through the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Relations (DPKHA) located in the Rectorate Building of the Bogor Agricultural University. DPKHA also conducts job fairs which are held in IPB periodically. DPKHA is a directorate that carries out the task of developing and implementing graduate competency development programs and alumni relations in order to build strategic cooperation. More complete information about career opportunities can visit the job opportunities link.

The Sub-Directorate of Career Development or commonly known as Career Development and Assessment (CDA IPB), is a sub-unit under the Directorate of Student Affairs and Career Development whose mission is to reduce unemployment in Indonesia.

link CDA (


In addition, the Study Program also provides information about job vacancies through social media owned by the study program.

PS TMPT alumni can work as civil servants, in the capture fisheries industry (Perum Perindo, PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta; PT Wirontono Baru; PT Oceana Megah Utama; PT. First marine seafoods; PT Tongwei Indonesia), NGOs, Banking, Entrepreneurs or other service sector.