Undergraduate Program


Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program (CFTM)/Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization (FRU), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (FPIK-IPB) has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education with an A grade through letter number: 1101/ SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IV/2018 April 24, 2018.


CFTM Study Program Vision

“To become an institution that develops science and technology for fishing (Fishing Science and Fishing Technology) and the art of planning, implementing, managing and utilizing Indonesia’s fisheries biological resources”.

CFTM Study Program Mission

Produce graduates who have expertise in the utilization of fishery resources through a quality education process;
Develop science, technology and art (IPTEKS) of fishing related to the utilization of fishery resources through sustainable research; and
Actively participate in any activity which may have benefits for the development of fisheries in Indonesia, particularly in the field of fisheries through community service activities.

CFTM Study Program Objectives


Mastering science and knowledge in the field of capture fisheries as required by industry, government and entrepreneurship


Have skills in utilizing knowledge, technology and policies in solving capture fisheries problems relevant in industry, government and entrepreneurship


Able to handle open and complex problems in the field of capture fisheries, especially by considering technical, socio-economic, cultural, and business aspects


Demonstrate the ability to adapt, adapt, and grow independently and compete globally


Have adherence to ethics and professionalism at work

Major Competencies/Study Programs :

1 Able to apply science and technology in solving problems and increasing the role of the capture fisheries sector responsibly through the process of identification, analysis, and interpretation of problems to be able to provide alternative solutions and work in the field of capture fisheries according to existing operational standards and with assistance.
2 Able to master science and technology in the field of capture fisheries to be able to plan and carry out sustainable capture fisheries utilization and management activities
3 Able to analyze data and information and use it for consideration in making appropriate decisions and convey it both orally and in writing and able to take responsibility for his work and adapt to the work environment in the field of capture fisheries.

Learning Outcome


Knowing and understanding basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics and information technology in the application of the field of capture fisheries


Understand concepts and be able to apply knowledge related to the scope and world of fisheries and marine affairs, including knowledge of fish, morphology and physiology, oceanography, aquatic ecology, basic capture fisheries, basic aquaculture, basic aquatic product processing, and social fisheries economy.


Understand science and technology in the field of capture fisheries which includes fishing gear, fishing technology, fishing vessels, fishing ports, management of fishing operations, policies and regulations


Knowing and understanding policies and regulations related to capture fisheries


Able to collect and analyze data & information and use it for consideration in making appropriate decisions in capture fisheries management


Able to apply various analytical methods to solve capture fisheries problems


Able to plan and carry out scientific activities, interpret data and make conclusions


Able to search for appropriate literature and data sources


Able to identify, analyze problems and provide alternative technical solutions in the field of capture fisheries


Able to apply science and technology in solving problems and increasing the role of the capture fisheries sector responsibly


Able to carry out capture fisheries management actions


Can choose, apply and develop appropriate tools, processes and methods in the field of capture fisheries


Able to recognize techniques, and work safety in the field of capture fisheries


Able to be responsible for the work assigned professionally within the scope of capture fisheries management techniques


Able to work effectively in the field of capture fisheries according to existing operational standards


Able to apply different methods to communicate effectively with the scientific community and society in general


Able to be responsible for the work assigned and able to adapt to the work environment and the surrounding community


Have awareness for lifelong learning


Able to communicate well both orally and in writing



Subject Credit
Basic Courses of IPB
1 BIO100 Biology 3
2 EKO100 General Economics 3
3 IPB100 Religion of Islam 3
4 IPB106 Indonesian Language 2
5 IPB107 Introduction to Agricultural Sciences 2
6 IPB108 English 3
7 AGB100 Introduction to Entrepreneurships 1
8 FIS100 Physics 3
9 IPB111 Civics Education 2
10 IPB112 Sports and Arts 1
11 KIM101 Chemistry 3
12 KPM130 General Sociology 3
    Sub Total 29 
Basic Courses of Faculty
1 FPK101 Introduction to Fisheries and Marine Sciences 2
2 BDP200 Fundamental of Aquaculture 3
3 FPK302 Fisheries and Marine Sciences Softskill Development 2
4 ITK221 General Oceanography 3
5 KPM210 Principles of Communication 3
6 MSP223 Ichthyology 3
7 ITK211 Marine Biology 3
8 STK211 Statistics 3
9 THP200 Fundamental of Aquatic Technology 3
10 ITK311 Tropical Marine Ecology 3
11 IPB400 Thematic Field Work 4
    Sub Total 32 
Major Courses
1 PSP202 Basic Fisheries Policy 2
2 PSP212 Fishing Methods 3
3 PSP221 Fishing Gear 3
4 PSP222 Fishing Tools Materials 3
5 PSP231 Fishing Boat 3
6 PSP241 Fishing Ground 3
7 PSP251 Fishing Port 3
8 PSP252 Introduction Catch Analysis 3
9 PSP313 Fish Behavior 3
10 PSP321 Fishing Gear Technology 3
11 PSP334 Introduction Fishing Boat Dynamics 3
12 PSP335 Under Water Observation Methods 3
13 PSP342 Operation Research in Capture Fisheries 3
14 PSP344 Capture Fisheries Systems 3
15 PSP353 Planning Technics for Fishing Port Construction and Utilization 3
16 PSP302 Marine Law and Fiheries 2
17 PSP312 Fishing Technology 3
18 PSP314 Exploratory Fishing 3
19 PSP332 Fisheries Navigation 3
20 PSP333 Seamanship 3
21 PSP345 Planning and Optimizing in Capture Fisheries Industry 3
22 PSP398 Research Methodologies 3
23 PSP401 Special Topics on Capture Fisheries 2
24 PSP402 Sustainable Capture Fisheries Industry 3
25 PSP403 Marine Fisheries Practices 4
26 PSP498 Seminar 1
27 PSP499 Undergraduate Thesis 6
    Sub Total 80 
Minor Courses
1 MAT101 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3
    Sub Total
Supporting Courses
1 KSH343 Management of Environmental Services and Impact Control 2
    Sub Total


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