Alumni Testimonial




In my opinion, FRU is one of the most promising departments in developing the world of fisheries in Indonesia. During my college years, I was very fortunate to be taught by very competent and friendly lecturers. It is their input and encouragement that keeps me consistent in contributing to the world of fisheries.

I hope that my juniors can absorb all the knowledge from the lecturers and implement it. Let’s together maintain the sustainability of fish resources for the sake of our children and grandchildren in the future.



Studying at the FRU Dept adds knowledge related to the world of capture fisheries from upstream to downstream, ranging from fishing gear, boats, fishermen, fishing technology, fishing grounds, fish behavior, ports and others. this is certainly a capital for me to explore the field of capture fisheries in Indonesia which has great potential. The teaching method of the lecturer is made in such a way that it is easier for students to understand. plus the existence of independent assignments that train students to think critically.

Achievements that have been achieved while studying at PSP have won 3rd place in the field of entrepreneurship organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education at the 31st National Student Scientific Week event. The scientific work we make is about a novel that tells the world of capture fisheries, you know.

Now I decided to continue my master’s program again at the FRU dept to deepen the field of science in capture fisheries. Long live Indonesian Fisheries!



Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb,

Introduce me Tyas Putri Jayanti is an alumni of Capture Fisheries Technology and Management. One of the departments in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB. I am proud to be part of the Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, here I was taught various sciences starting from the beginning of the sea which became a power in Indonesia. Fishery resources that will never become extinct if we always take care of them. The learning here is very beneficial for me, being able to know the lives of Indonesian fishermen directly by going down the field. The lecturers were very good and gave us a lot of teaching in a non-monotonous way, many applications of knowledge were given, exchanged ideas on various topics of current fisheries issues using the role play method, studied Indonesian marine law, diverse Indonesian fisheries systems, technology fisheries that are increasingly modern, and can manage the use of good and sustainable fish resources. During our education in Capture Fisheries Technology and Management with friends and also not spared by the guidance of our lecturers, we had the opportunity to be able to enter the Finals of the 30th National Student Scientific Week in the field of community service by providing education in the form of fishing games to fishermen’s children at Eretan coast, Indramayu and also alhamdulillah were given the opportunity to take part in the 31st National Student Scientific Week by winning 3rd place in the field of entrepreneurship by producing a fishery novel that has been circulating in various islands in Indonesia. My team and I also had the opportunity to take part in the UTU Business Plan Award Contest in Maeulaboh, Aceh by winning the 1st place winner. All the achievements that have been obtained are inseparable from the support and guidance of our friends and also our best lecturers in Capture Fisheries Technology and Management.

Thank you very much for the knowledge you have given us.

Keep up the spirit, learn, and keep working friends to benefit many people….

Thank you.


Edwin Ongci Pernando, SPi

“Studying at the undergraduate fisheries program in the department of fisheries resources utilization is very funny. I met with lecturers and education personnel who were competent in their fields. The material provided in the learning process is very up to date, so it is useful to add knowledge and insights from theory to the application of practice in the field. The class atmosphere is always alive with interesting discussions and the lecturers who help us to be more courageous in expressing opinions. It was thanks to their upbringing that I was able to complete my studies with the cum laude title and get an award as the best graduate. Academic and non-academic experience that I gained while studying at PSP IPB is very much. Starting from campus activities to international activities.

Hopefully, PSP IPB can always improve and maintain its quality so that it always produces quality graduates “.

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Good morning

I am Aisyah Primandini Sabrina, NIM C44140066 Alumni of the Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program IPB batch 51.


I am very grateful for the opportunity I got to be able to study for 4 years at IPB, especially the Capture Fisheries Technology and Management study program. Studying at PS TMPT was very fun where I gained a lot of valuable knowledge and experience. While studying at PS TMPT, not only basic theories are learned in class, but there are also practicums, field lectures, field trips, KKN, where we can better implement the theoretical knowledge learned directly in the field. This was obviously very useful when I graduated from IPB and worked in a fish processing unit company. There is a lot of knowledge during college that I can apply and certainly can be an added value for me at the company. Thank you especially to my beloved lecturers, administrative staff, and all the big family of TMPT, I hope you are always healthy.


Mahsyar  Taufiq Abr,  FRU 51

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb,

Now I work as a Supervisor at the Vannamei Shrimp Farm and the Trigona Honey Bee Farm owned by Pammase Social Business West Sulawesi in Polewali Mandar.

Since studying at FRU, I have learned a lot of fisheries management knowledge and have been very useful in the world of work, because the knowledge is flexible and easy to apply to other fields of knowledge, making it very easy for FRU graduates to find work and this also provides added value for FRU graduates.


Lu’lu’ Khairina Alifah Putri

I am an alumni of FRU batch 51. Studying at FRU is very fun. I feel comfortable because in the FRU dept there is a good relationship between students and all teaching staff. Lecturers and teaching staff are very qualified. In the FRU dept learned a lot and met great people. After becoming a FRU alumni and working in a government agency in the field of fisheries, I feel that we are quite capable of competing because alumni of the PSP dept have a good track record in government agencies. I hope the FRU dept can be more successful and make a good contribution to the world of fisheries. Glory FRU!!

Lu’lu’ Khairina Alifah Putri, Contract Workers at the Pekalongan Nusantara Fisheries Port Office.