



Study Program (PS) : Capture Fisheries Technology and Management
Department : Fisheries Resource Utilization
Faculty : Fisheries and Marine Science
University : Institut Pertanian Bogor
Study Program establishment decree number (*) : 0110/0/1985
Study Program date of establishment decree : March 11th, 1985
Study Program Official Signing Decree of Establishment : Minister of Education and Culture RI

Prof.Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto

Study Program Month & Year Commencement  : March 1985
Operational Permit Decree Number (*) : SK Rektor IPB No. 001/K13/PP/2005
Operational Permit Decree Date : January 10th, 2005
Rating (Score) of Latest Accreditation : A
BAN-PT Decree Number : 157/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XVI/S/VII/2013

Date 20-07-2013

Address : Jl. Agathis, Kampus IPB Darmaga-Bogor
Phone : (0251) 8622935
Facsimile : (0251) 8622935
Homepage & E-mail : &



  • Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives and Strategy Achievement


  • Explain the mechanism for preparing the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program, as well as the parties involved.


Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program (CFTM)/Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization (FRU), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK-IPB) has been accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education with an A grade through letter number: 157/ SK/BAN-PT/Ak-XVI/S/VII/2013 dated 20 July 2013.

The vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies for achieving the TMPT Study Program/Department of PSP are prepared through preparatory meetings, discussions with various parties and decided at academic workshops. The parties involved in the preparation of the vision, mission, goals, objectives and strategies for their achievement are internal stakeholders (lecturers, education staff, students) and external stakeholders (users and alumni).

The formulation process begins with preparatory meetings among lecturers at the laboratory level, then continues at the division level and is discussed together at the study program/department level. In addition to being carried out internally in the scope of laboratories, divisions and departments, discussions were also held with various external parties who were stakeholders of the TMPT study program/PSP Department. Literature searches and benchmarking are also carried out with various other study programs both at home and abroad on matters relating to the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program/department.

The results of discussion, input from stakeholders (both internal and external), library research and benchmarking are then used as discussion material in academic workshops in the department to determine the vision, mission, goals and objectives and strategies for achieving them. The formulation of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program/department is carried out with the following approaches: 1) vision, mission, goals and objectives of the faculty and of IPB; 2) input from the department’s academic community; 3) department stakeholders.

The vision, mission and objectives of the study program are evaluated every five years, along with curriculum evaluation. This evaluation is intended to align the vision, mission and objectives of education in the PSP Department with the development of science and technology and the needs of the community.



Vision of IPB

The Vision of IPB University for period 2019-2023 is: To become a research-based university and leading in innovation for national independence towards a techno-social entrepreneurial university that excels at the global level in agriculture, marine, tropical biosciences (Strategic Plan IPB 2019-2023)

Vision of Fisheries & Marine Science Faculty

“To become a leading Research-Based Faculty in innovation, International Standard, and a Driver of Independence in Maritime Development towards an adaptive techno-socio entrepreneurial faculty”

Vision of Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program

“To become an institution that develops science and technology for fishing (Fishing Science and Fishing Technology) and the art in planning, implementing the management and utilization of Indonesian fishery biological resources”


Mission of IPB
  1. Organizing higher education by strengthening the research base of the university to produce  superior techno-sociopreneur graduates, have noble character based on faith and piety to God, high nationalism, professional competence, millennium softskills, leadership, globally insightful and become a trend setter of innovation and change.
  2. Pioneering superior and leading research in transformative science and technology for the creation of quality of sustainable life, and innovation for the people’s economy and national industry.
  3. Explore the latest sciences in agriculture, marine and tropical biosciences to determine trends of current science at the national and global level.
  4. Improve proactive services that contribute and solve community problems and enhance roles IPB University in determining the direction of national policy.
  5. Strengthening the State University management system that is able to guide the development of modern management systems of higher education in 4.0 era.
Mission of Fisheries & Marine Science Faculty
  • Organizing superior, innovative, adaptive, and independent higher education, as well as comprehensive student development to produce graduates who are competitive and have Indonesian character.
  • Carry out innovative research with the same locus and focus on building self-reliance in fisheries, coastal, marine and small islands for the development of business-based science and technology that is beneficial to the community.
  • Conduct community services that promote science and technology innovation and have a Techno-socio-entrepreneurial character while maintaining the noble values ​​of the nation and the preservation of fishery and marine natural resources.
  • Strengthen the faculty management system that is effective, efficient, adaptive, transparent, and accountable.
Mission of Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program
  • Produce graduates who have expertise in the utilization of fishery resources through a quality education process;
  • Develop science, technology and art (IPTEKS) of fishing related to the utilization of fishery resources through continuous research; and
  • Take an active role in every activity that has benefits for the development of Indonesian fisheries, especially in the field of capture fisheries through community service activities.

Objectives of IPB
  1. Produce superior techno-sociopreneur graduates who have noble character based on faith and piety to God Almighty, have high nationalism, professional competence, millennium softskills, soul of leadership, global outlook and become a trend setter of innovation and change.
  2. Produce transformative science, technology and art to create quality of sustainable life, and concrete innovations for the people’s economy and national industry.
  3. Making IPB University a determinant of the latest sciences in agriculture, marine and tropical biosciences at the national and global level.
  4. Making IPB University as a university that is proactively solve community problems and help to determine the national policy direction.
  5. Making IPB University as a pioneer in the development of a modern management system of higher education.
Objectives of Fisheries & Marine Science Faculty
  • The implementation of continuous administrative improvement processes towards international quality organizations.
  • Increasing a conducive academic atmosphere for teaching-learning and research processes.
  • Increasing public awareness of the importance of education and development of fisheries and marine affairs.
  • Establishing close and productive relationships between FPIK and alumni, government ( central and regional), the industrial world and professional institutions/communities.
  • The realization of mature and professional FPIK management, so that FPIK institutions are strong in facing the challenges and needs of the next 50 years.
Objectives of Capture Fisheries Technology and Management Study Program
  • Produce quality graduates to become strong actors in the development and utilization of marine and fishery resources;
  • Make significant contribution and become leader in education, research and community service programs, especially capture fisheries and marine technology in the national scope;
  • Develop knowledge and environmentally friendly capture fishery technology;
  • Participate in marine and fishery development through the results of the study of sustainable fisheries and marine management policies;
  • Establish cooperation with the private sector and other agencies to compile and utilize the results of research and other studies for the empowerment of fisheries and marine communities; and
  • Have international excellence in tropical fisheries science and technology.
Goals and Achieving Strategies

FRU Department Goals

In order to achieve the vision, mission and goals that have been set, the objectives of the FRU Department are:

  • Providing graduates who are competent and able to work in real terms in the development of national capture fisheries;
  • The PSP Department becomes an international reference in the development of capture fisheries science and technology;
  • Produce competitive and environmentally friendly science and technology;
  • Make a real contribution in the formulation of policies for the use and management of capture fisheries nationally;
  • The creation of cooperation with various institutions both private and government; and;
  • Gaining international recognition for fisheries science and technology


The IPB institution has developed a balanced scorecard-based study program/departmental performance appraisal system. Performance indicators have been comprehensively compiled in five perspectives, namely 1) Internal business process, 2) Research and academic excellence, 3) Capacity building, 4) Stakeholders, and 5) Financial. In the implementation of the balanced scorecard-based performance system, at the beginning of each year the study program/department is required to set performance targets. This performance target will be evaluated for its achievement at the end of the year.


FRU Department Target Achievement Strategy

The strategy for achieving the vision, mission and objectives of the PSP Department is closely related to the strategy for achieving the goals that have been set, that is:


Year Objective Strategy
2016 Providing graduates who are competent and able to work in real terms in the development of national capture fisheries a. Implement competency-based curriculum;

b. Facilitating academic administration with the best facilities and infrastructure; dan

c. Aligning academic administration with stakeholder needs.

2016 The FRU Department becomes a national reference in the development of Capture Fisheries Science and Technology a. Carry out continuous improvement in the process of education, research and community service.

b. Conduct science and technology innovations in accordance with stakeholder needs.

2017 Produce competitive and environmentally friendly science and technology Conducting competitive and environmentally friendly science and technology research.
2017 Make a real contribution to the national capture fisheries management policy a. Conducting research on capture fisheries management policies; and.

b. Take an active role in various fisheries and marine activities nationally.

2017 The creation of cooperation with various institutions both private and government a. Expanding cooperation networks with various institutions, both private and government; and

b. Realizing real and sustainable cooperation with cooperation partners.

2018 Gaining international recognition for tropical fisheries science and technology a. Pioneering at the international level;

b. Produce international publications; and

c. Build cooperation with universities and international institutions.

Documents used:

  1. Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 66 of 2013, concerning the Statute of the Agricultural Institute.
  2. Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural University 2014-2018.
  3. Strategic Plan and Renop of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences IPB 2007-2015.
  4. Strategic Plan and Renop of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences IPB 2015-2020.
  5. Developments Education Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, 2015.
  6. Curriculum Development of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Bogor Agricultural University 2014-2018 Program.
  7. Development of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences for the Next 50 Years (Academic Manuscript, 2013).

Specifically, the targets and strategies for achieving the targets of the FRU Department are contained in the “2013-2017 PSP Department Quality Assurance Program Book”.