- Sertifikat Akreditasi BAN-PT PS TMPT 2018
- Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Program Studi Teknologi Perikanan Laut
- Sertifikat Akreditasi S2
- Sertifikat Akreditasi S3
- Lokakarya Pengembangan RPS menuju Akreditasi Unggul
- Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dospulkam IPB University, Desiminasi Inovasi Booster Rumpon (FADs) sebagai Alat Bantu Pemikat dan Pengumpul Ikan yang Efektif pada Alat Tangkap Bagan Apung di Kampung Nelayan Palabuhanratu
- Tim K3 Dosen Pulkam PSP 2022 mengobservasi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) di galangan kapal rakyat di Desa Pasir, Kecamatan Ayah, Kabupaten Kebumen.
- Capture Fisheries School 2023: Sustainable Development of Tropical Capture Fisheries
- The 2nd Capture Fisheries International Symposium: Smart Technology for Sustainable Fisheries
Welcome to Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization
Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, is part of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University. Its existence is based on the need for the development of science, technology and art within the scope of fishery resources.
The forerunner of this department came from the Department of Marine Fisheries, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Indonesia in 1960. Then IPB was founded in 1963, separated from UI. The establishment of IPB coincided with the establishment of the Faculty of Fisheries (Faperikan), where the Department of Marine Fisheries became a part of the Faperikan of IPB. In its development, the Department of Marine Fisheries underwent several name changes, until finally it became the Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP).
The PSP Department has the mandate to develop the capture fisheries sector. Especially in the management and utilization of Indonesian marine and fishery biological resources. Capture fisheries technology is applied science and technology originating from various scientific disciplines. Among them are textile technology, hydrodynamics, mechanical engineering, shipping architecture, electronics and electricity, fisheries biology, oceanography, hydroacoustics, meteorology, fish handling and processing technology, as well as fisheries marketing and economics. Capture fisheries technology consists of fishing gear technology and materials, fishing vessels and fishing technology, fish behavior, fishing areas and fishing methods, as well as identification and development of capture fisheries.
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