Ir. Mokhamad Dahri Iskandar, M.Si
- Ir. (IPB University, 1993)
- M.Si. (IPB University, 2001)
- The level of friendliness of the yellow tail traps operated by fishermen in the Thousand Islands waters, 2021. FISHERMEN OPERATED IN THE THOUSAND WATERS.
- The composition and size distribution of the by-catch of the yellow tail traps in the Thousand Islands waters, 2020.
- The use of earthworm bait attractors (Lumbricus rubellus) on the results floating chart catches in Palabhunaratu Bay, 2019.
- Variations in the number and types of rampus net catches at different mesh sizes in Jakarta Bay Waters, 2016.
- Technical and Economic Efficiency of Garuk Fishing Equipment and Development Opportunities in Rawameneng Village, Subang Regency, 2014.
- Operated by Traditional Fishermen in Mayangan Village, Subang Regency, 2013.
- Effect of Bait Position on Folding Bubu Catches Selectivity of Escape Vent for Peeled Fish (Cantherhines fronticinctus), 2012.
- Results of analysis of bycatch catches of traps operated by fishermen in the Thousand Islands Coral Waters, 2011.
Awards & Achievements:
- Use of pineapple fiber for environmental friendly fishing gear, 2018.
- Satya Lencana Kesetiaan. 2007.
- SEARCA Research Grant. 1999.