Ir. Mokhamad Dahri Iskandar, M.Si

NIDN: 0004066903


Expertise: Capture Fisheries Technology.


  • Ir. (IPB University, 1993)
  • M.Si. (IPB University, 2001)


  1. The level of friendliness of the yellow tail traps operated by fishermen in the Thousand Islands waters, 2021. FISHERMEN OPERATED IN THE THOUSAND WATERS.
  2. The composition and size distribution of the by-catch of the yellow tail traps in the Thousand Islands waters, 2020.
  3. The use of earthworm bait attractors (Lumbricus rubellus) on the results floating chart catches in Palabhunaratu Bay, 2019.
  4. Variations in the number and types of rampus net catches at different mesh sizes in Jakarta Bay Waters, 2016.
  5. Technical and Economic Efficiency of Garuk Fishing Equipment and Development Opportunities in Rawameneng Village, Subang Regency, 2014.
  6. Operated by Traditional Fishermen in Mayangan Village, Subang Regency, 2013.
  7. Effect of Bait Position on Folding Bubu Catches Selectivity of Escape Vent for Peeled Fish (Cantherhines fronticinctus), 2012.
  8. Results of analysis of bycatch catches of traps operated by fishermen in the Thousand Islands Coral Waters, 2011.

Awards & Achievements:

  1. Use of pineapple fiber for environmental friendly fishing gear, 2018.
  2. Satya Lencana Kesetiaan. 2007.
  3. SEARCA Research Grant. 1999.