Prof. Dr. Ir. Mulyono S. Baskoro, M.Sc

NIDN: 0003036210


Expertise: Fisheries resources utilization, fishing technology and fish behavior.


  • Ir. (IPB University, 1987)
  • M.Sc. (Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan, 1995)
  • Dr. (Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan, 2000)


  1. Palm fiber as potential material for FADs: durability enhancement and increasing fish catching for small scale fisheries. 2021.
  2. Catch comparison of sweeping trammel nets (ciker net) with different towing paths. 2021.
  3. Biotechnic and economic analysis of fish catching units in Larangan Coastal Fishing Port, Tegal District, Indonesia. 2021.
  4. Performance of Zn Cu and Al-Cu Electrodes in Seawater Battery at Different Distance and Surface Area. 2017.
  5. Environmental and Technical Approach In the Selection of Fishing Gear Featured in WPP 571 Aceh. 2017.
  6. Size Structure and Length Weight Relationship of Catched Fish in Portable FADs and Traditional FADs in West Aceh Waters. 2017.
  7. Results of Catching Yellowfin tuna from Technical and Biological Aspects Using Tonda Fishing Fleet in Palabuhanratu Waters. 2017.
  8. The Advantage of Slurry Ice as Cooling Media for Fish in Tropical Area; The International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). 2016.
  9. The biological basis of skipjack tuna as the basis for sustainable fisheries management in North Maluku province. 2016.
  10. Growth and mortality parameters of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in Palabuhanratu waters, West Java (eastern indian ocean). 2016.
  11. Internal and external analysis of small-scale coastal fisheries management in the city of Tegal. 2016.
  12. Bio-economic model of squid fisheries in the waters of Bangka district, Bangka Belitung archipelago province. 2016.
  13. Product handling system and presence of residual components in tuna fishing operations in Bitung, North Sulawesi province. 2016.
  14. Relationship of Catching and Oceanographic Parameters of Boat Lift Net (Bagan pete-pete) using Mercury Lamp and Led Lamp. 2015.
  15. Fish Behavior on Fisheries Boat Lift Net (Bagan Pete-pete) by Using LED Lights. 2015.
  16. Squid-eggs attachment and fish association on the squid attractor aggregating device. 2015.
  17. Impact of fish aggregating device on sustainable capture Fisheries. 2015.
  18. Social Economics Characteristics of Coastal Small-Scale Fisheries in Tegal City, Indonesia. 2015.
  19. Length-Weight Relationships of Squid (Loligo chinenses) in The Waters of Bangka Regency, The Province of Bangka Belitung Island, Indonesia. 2015.
  20. Identification of Tuna Migration Pattern in Southern Java Island by Study of Dynamic Fishing Ground. Applied Research Intensive Program. 2010.

Awards & Achievements:

  1. Implementation of Setnet in South Lampung, 2015.
  2. Fish Stock Enrichment Technology, 2013.
  3. Implementation of Setnet in Belitung, 2012.
  4. Squid attractor Dit. KP3K-KKP, 2012.